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- Borrowman, Jim & Mary; Stubbs Island Whale Watching
- Campbell, Nancy; Director of Communications, Nunavut
Tunngavik Incorporated
- Coombs, Andrea; The University of British Columbia
- De Leon, Fe; Canadian Environmental Law Association
- Ellis, Graeme; Pacific Biological Station, Department
of Fisheries & Oceans
- Gagné, Guy; Environment Canada, Transboundary
Movement Branch
- Haddock, Mark; West Coast Environmental Law
- Le Gal, Denise; Stubbs Island Whale Watching
- Miller, Glen; beloved & supportive partner
- Ritchlin, Jay; Reach for Unbleached - research
- Ross, Peter, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sydney B.C.
- Wilson, Doug; Environment Canada, Senior Controls Development
Scientist,Commercial Chemicals Division
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