Japan Offspring Fund(JOF) is a consumer group and environmental NGO established in 1984. We have researched issues involving the safety of daily life, including chemical residues, endocrine disruptors, and genetically engineered food.

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Japan Offspring Fund International Project

Dioxin Contamination of Ashes in the Asia-Pacific Region (2000)

| Introduction | Objectives/Samples | Results | Conclusion |


So we collected samples of fly ashes from waste incinerators and dumping sites around the Asia Pacific region and we measured levels of PCDDs/DFs, to clarify the pollution levels. Samples

We had 13 samples of fly ashes from waste incinerators of 5 countries. All samples were taken this year. I would like to show pictures to you to let you know what kind of places the samples were taken.

Sample (Japan)  
First, I would like to show you the picture of Japan. 1) This is a dumping site for common wastes, but industrial wastes including ashes from incinerators are also dumped, illegally. It is unfortunate but ashes from incinerators are often dumped, in an offhand manner like this.
Sample (Other Countries)  
Next, I would like to show you the pictures of other countries. This is a dumping site in Peru. You can see that smoke is coming out.

Method (TEQ)

Analysis of Dioxins was conducted by the co-operation of Dr. Yukio Takahashi of Niigata University. We used I-TEF and WHO-TEF methods. We did not analyze coplanner PCB, however, the rate of coplanner PCB in ashes is reported to be only a few percent, so even if coplanner PCB were counted, we think that the TEQ would not change much.

| Introduction | Objectives/Samples | Results | Conclusion |



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